The other night it started raining really hard around 10:00pm. All of the sudden it was hailing - it only lasted seriously 30 seconds - but it sounded like all of the windows in our house were going to blow out! It was crazy - the twins were out of bed in 2 seconds. So we decided to let them go out and see the hail. We could not believe how much there was after 30 seconds. Our deck was covered! The gutter drain filled up and overflowed! Devon put his Mountain Dew can out to give perspective as to how much hail there was. He also filled a cup - it looked like really good crushed ice for a drink (notice the mt. dew can again)... Devon's mom called after it ended - and we were both cracking up because Devon's dad had filled up a cup with the hail also! Like father, like son I guess! We did not actually use any of the hail as ice for a drink - (in case you
were wondering!)
So - now it is Monday and we have had another crazy weather day! It started this morning with thunderstorm warnings - and took a turn to tornado warnings and watches! The sirens started going off and we ended up at Devon's mom and dad's house (because they have a basement)! They take good care of us! Things calmed down - so I took the twins to school and on the way to pick them up - it was a total downpour. The radio was telling people to not be on the road unless they had to be there - a bus tipped over because of the strong winds! I had to drive like 20 mph the whole way! But - like all weather in Missouri - by the time I walked out of school with the twins the storm was gone! Fun times!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Crazy Missouri Weather
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 4:54 PM 10 friends wanted to say...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hadley and the camera...
Hadley got the camera the other day and took these pictures of herself. She was so excited about the yellow flowers that she got from Aunt Yvonne - I guess she wanted to document herself with her "beautiful flowers!" She was in the car - by herself waiting on me - and must have found the camera in my diaper bag!
I was cracking up when I saw them on the camera - because Devon used to take pictures of himself on every roll of film - of most everyone's cameras! Back in the day when there were rolls of film - that was a long time ago!
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 3:58 PM 7 friends wanted to say...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Barrett and Brock
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 5:30 PM 6 friends wanted to say...
Monday, March 24, 2008
I am actually really proud of myself that I am getting Easter pictures up the day after Easter - instead of next week! We had a fun Easter- celebrated over several days! The twins had an Easter egg hunt at their school on Wednesday - and since I am "mother of the year" - I forgot my camera! It was flooding outside - so they had their hunt inside - which made hiding the eggs a little more challenging for their teacher... Each kid got 25 eggs - that was a lot of candy to bring home between the two of them - 50 eggs!?!
On Saturday, Devon's Aunt Yvonne had an Easter dinner at her house - with an egg hunt for the little kids! It was even dry enough to have it outside! The twins had fun- and found lots of eggs! Cayden was especially excited about the eggs that had pennies!
Since we already had a bunch of candy before the Easter bunny had even come to our house - the Easter bunny decided to bring new art supplies to the twins! They love to color and write - so we threw out all the broken and dried out crayons and markers - and all the well used and loved coloring books - for new ones! We also found some cute matching Easter outfits for the kids! Cayden was so excited to have something to match Barrett! He has been wanting a matching shirt with his brother for a long time! Hadley was excited about her dress because she could "twirl" in it! Barrett was exited about the cute socks that match his sweater vest that his Aunt Casie bought him! (really it was me that was excited - thanks Case!)
I think the best part was hearing the twins talk about Jesus being resurrected. I am glad that they know why we celebrate Easter! All the eggs and new clothes are fun - but the true reason to celebrate is the life and gift of our Savior.
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 10:42 PM 6 friends wanted to say...
Friday, March 21, 2008
The twins had their first soccer game last night! It was so much fun! They had quite a crowd there to cheer them on. Granddad, Aunt Carlyn, Aunt Casie and all the Missouri cousins came to their game. They are playing on a team with a few of their friends from school.
It was a little cold and windy - but Barrett was a trooper - her cheered on Cayden and Hadley in his stroller behind a blanket!
Cayden is # 7 - of course - it is his favorite # because of Teddy Ginn @ Ohio State. He ran up and down the field and had a huge smile the whole time.
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 8:11 PM 3 friends wanted to say...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tagged...the world's longest tag!
I haven't posted for almost two weeks - I guess my life has been pretty boring lately! But - I saw that I was tagged by Casie... so here goes
If money, time, and babysitting were no object, where would you go and with who?
I think that I would go back to Finland - it was so beautiful there and I would love to spend more time there. I guess I would take Devon and the kids with me :)
When was the last time you cried?
I am like Casie- I cry all the time (just ask Devon). I cried last night in our Relief Society meeting.
5 things you were doing 10 years ago-1998
1. I was in my second year at BYU
2. I moved into the blue house - the greatest house at BYU
3. I worked my first summer of EFY
4. I fell in love with Devon
5. I went to Missouri right after Christmas to meet Devon's family - including his brother Chad, who had just gotten home from his mission - he says that I ruined his homecoming!
5 things you were doing 5 years ago-2003
1. Watching the Buckeyes beat Miami in the National Championship!! GO BUCKS!
2. I was huge and pregnant with twins!
3. I gave birth to Cayden and Hadley on March 1st
4. I tried to stay out of the way and keep our new babies quiet while Devon studied and took his first set of boards and started his third year of Optometry school.
5. I was pretty sleep deprived - the rest of that year is a blur...
5 things you were doing 1 year ago-2007
1. I found out I was pregnant - big surprise to us!
2. I went to Girl's camp - i was a few months pregnant, but we had a blast!
3. I found out that Casie was pregnant - and our due dates were three weeks apart - and we both were having boys!!
4. I went to a Phillips reunion - all my family was there! It was a blast!
5. I gave birth to Barrett Gray on Dec. 6
7 of your favorite hobbies
(all things I love to do - but I don't really get to do most of them these days)
1. making cards
2. running
3. blogging - a new fav
4. baking cookies - not such a healthy one but- I am trying to perfect a huge chocolate chip cookie - that is soft - especially around the edges - we'll see
5. playing with my kids - even more I love to listen to my kids and hear their conversations
6. playing games - rook, skipjack, and golf
7. being a mom
5 favorite foods
1. cheese sauce, chips, & salsa from El Charro
2. anything mexican
3. my mom's lasagna
4. hillbilly nachos from Downtown BBQ
5. the new black bean and chicken recipe from Casie - which I think she got from Jen :)
5 places you've been
1. Finland
2. Russia
3. Canada
4. Florida
5. Texas (my old home sweet home!)
5 favorite memories
I agree with Casie that this is a hard one - I have lots more than 5
1. my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary - we had a big reunion with all the aunts and uncles and cousins at Brighton camp in Utah
2. the night that Devon proposed
3. my wedding day - being with all of our family and friends
4. finding out that we were finally pregnant - and it was twins - Devon laughed all day long
5. The day Devon graduated from Optometry school
* 6 The births of my kids - not so much the birthing part- but getting to finally hold and snuggle with them
5 people you wish you could meet/see again:
1. My Grandma Rosa - she died when I was 13 and I wish I could talk to her now as a grown-up
2. My Grandpa Phillips - he died when my dad was 12 - so I never knew him at all
3. My Grandpa Ensign - he lost his thinking powers towards the end of his life - but I can remember him telling stories and jokes when I was little and I would love to hear them again.
4. My Grandma Ensign - when I was at BYU she was my home away from home - she cooked for us and tended to our every need - she was the greatest.
5. I guess any other ancestors - I would love to know what their lives were like - and what advice they could give me.
Ok - that was really long - but fun to remember - I tag: Kortney, Heather, Maren, Sharon, and Amy S.
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 12:11 PM 2 friends wanted to say...
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Three months old...
I cannot believe that Barrett is three months old today. It seems like we were just barely bringing him home from the hospital. It took so long to get pregnant with the twins - and then when we did get pregnant - it was a whirlwind - going from no kids to two. But - with Barrett it was the complete opposite. We weren't planning it at all. Then suddenly he was coming and I was so happy! I do not like being pregnant - and the twins were probably very neglected during those nine months - When we went to the hospital (on Dec. 5) I was excited and nervous to labor - since the twins were c-section - I had no idea what to expect. Then the whole day went by - and by the next day (Dec. 6) the doctor decided to do a c-section. I remember being so tired. The doctors were talking to me and I kept falling asleep. The next thing I knew - he was here and healthy! All the sudden - nothing else mattered. I had this beautiful, healthy baby!
I knew that I wanted to name him Barrett! That name has a special place in my heart. It is my Grandma Rosa's maiden name. She was an incredible woman. My grandpa died when my dad was 13 - she raised two boys by herself - and she never let them feel sorry for themselves. Then she was diagnosed with cancer. She didn't ever complain - or ask why hard things had to happen to her. She was always fun - she had fun ideas for everything. She taught all of us to play poker (that's probably frowned on) but we loved her for it! She always had ice cream at her house - and if she didn't have it - she would give us money and send us to the store to get more!
Barrett is also my dad's middle name. I am lucky to have such a great dad! I can remember him taking me and my friends to a concert in downtown Dallas on New Year's Eve - because none of our parents wanted us to go by ourselves - so he volunteered to take us! He stayed there the whole time and actually acted like he enjoyed it! I had early morning seminary and he would come in to wake me up each morning (which was never pleasant on his end) and then he would mix up orange juice for me to drink before I left. There are so many memories of how much he did and still does for me. I think when I first told him that we were going to name this baby Barrett he thought it was a last name - but hopefully he likes it now that there is a sweet face to go with the name.
Barrett's middle name is Gray - we love the Buckeyes - need I say more...
So - there is a lot behind his name - but so far he lives up to it! He is so sweet! I don't know how our family felt complete before he was born - because he is such a part of us now!
I love to watch him smile and laugh - I love to go in his room and watch how peacefully he sleeps - I love how great he is when I drag him around on errands, taking the twins to school, or anywhere else we have to go - I love his chubby cheeks - I love how noisy he is when he eats - I love how he cries when he wants his diaper changed and then smiles as soon as you lay him on the changing table - I love how he loves to have his back arched and his head back - I love how he goes to bed around 9:00 and doesn't wake up again until 6:30am!
Three months doesn't seem very long - but it has changed our lives completely! We love you Barrett!
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 11:28 PM 8 friends wanted to say...
Monday, March 3, 2008
Smiles and Laughs!
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 8:33 PM 4 friends wanted to say...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Cayden and Hadley!!!
Posted by Devon and Brooke at 7:53 PM 6 friends wanted to say...