Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Office is almost back...

I am super excited for the return of The Office! Here are a few favorite quotes to enjoy...
Stanley..."I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on pretzel day...well, I like pretzel day."

Dwight..."Here's my card. It's got my cell number, my pager number, my home number, and my other pager number. I never take vacations, I never get sick, and I don't celebrate any major holidays."

Kelly ... "Now I want to see Love Actually again, but it's at the bottom of the queue! Oh no, what do I do? What I do, is this. I go online, I go click, click, click. And I change the order of the queue so that I can see Love Actually as soon as I want to. It's so easy Ryan. Do you really not know how Netflix works?"

Ryan..."Yeah, I'm not a temp anymore. Which means at my ten-year high-school reunion, it will not say, 'Ryan Howard is a temp.' It will say, 'Ryan Howard is a junior sales associate at a midrange paper supply firm.' That'll show 'em."