I am super excited for the return of The Office! Here are a few favorite quotes to enjoy...
Stanley..."I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on pretzel day...well, I like pretzel day."

Kelly ... "Now I want to see Love Actually again, but it's at the bottom of the queue! Oh no, what do I do? What I do, is this. I go online, I go click, click, click. And I change the order of the queue so that I can see Love Actually as soon as I want to. It's so easy Ryan. Do you really not know how Netflix works?"

Ryan..."Yeah, I'm not a temp anymore. Which means at my ten-year high-school reunion, it will not say, 'Ryan Howard is a temp.' It will say, 'Ryan Howard is a junior sales associate at a midrange paper supply firm.' That'll show 'em."
12 friends wanted to say...:
Brooke, Great minds think alike!!! My post today was about the Office too! How funny is that? You posted at like 5:30 your time, which is like 4:30 my time, which happens to be just the time I posted mine!
So happy to see you guys love this show too, it is the funniest thing on TV!
Of course, your post is much more entertaining - I love the quotes!
We are sooo excited for this too! I wish we could all watch it together!
Great quotes! We LOVE the office. There have been MANY nights when we actually had to pause the TV so we could finish laughing out loud in order to hear the next line! Gotta love a show that makes you laugh that hard!
Were we separated at birth or what? So weird that we have the same thoughts! That's why I love you :) Yay for our love of the office!
Scott and I watched the whole entire season one in one weekend... Let's just say we are hooked!
It is so comforting to know that I am not the only one who has been posting and obsessing over The Office. Only a few more hours!
Can't wait!! We're the same as Becca with pausing the show. It's going to be medicine after a long week - make that a long Office-less winter!!! I'm just sad John and I won't get to watch it together since he's out of town. Enjoy!!
Are you going update this blog? I know your life in Missouri can't be so busy you don't have time to make a new post...You live in Willard for goodness sakes. Every time I click on your link and see nothing new, I am devestated...it is so diasappointing because I have nothing better to do here in Utah them check out my awesome friends blogs. J/K...hope all is well
I am TOTALLY DEVASTATED also!! But I love you Brooke and I will be there in a couple weeks!!
Its May 1st...almost a month since your last post...we need pictures of the twins and especially Barrett!!! I seriously am DEVASTATED...not devestated...thanks case for pointing that out, I need a spell check for comments too...Actually good for you for spending more times with your kids than on the computer blogging.
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