Monday, February 4, 2008


I have not sent out very many pictures of Barrett - so sorry if it seems like I am posting a bunch of pictures! I love when babies get where they smile and look at you - instead of around you! Barrett was laying on his stomach smiling and laughing at me! It was so cute! He is the happiest little boy! (except when he is hunrgy- he goes from sweet to grouch in half a second!)

Cayden and Had are so good with Barrett. They always want to hold him and kiss on him. It seems like they were just barely little - but when I look at this picture I can't believe how big they really are.

I love this picture because you can see all of his fat rolls
on his legs.

1 friends wanted to say...:

Kortney Manning said...

I seriously cannot believe the twins. Cayden looks so much like you Brooke. It's not that they have changed, it's just that they are so grown up. Barrett's legs are the best! Love the chub!