Friday, February 1, 2008

The Jarvii

I started this blog before Barrett was born - so needless to say I am now finally getting it up and running. I am terrible about keeping in touch with people - I hope that doing this blog will help me with this. So, here is a quick update on our family...

Devon and I have been married for 8 years. After finishing BYU in 2001, we moved to Ohio, where our wardrobe changed from blue to red! (we still love BYU) When Devon graduated from Ohio State in 2005, we moved to Willard Missouri (Devon's hometown) and opened Jarvis Family Eye Center.

Devon is busy running his practice - most days he really likes it! One month after the office opened, he was called as first counselor in our Bishopric - so now we see him even less! The few hours not spent at the office or the church are spent as the president elect of the Willard Chamber of Commerce, one of the only members under 70 of the Willard Lion's Club, attending health advisory meetings at the high school, and most importantly and never missed - Tuesday night basketball!

I am loving being a mom. The twins, Cayden and Hadley, were born in March of 2003. We timed their birth to happen just in time for Devon's finals and first set of Board exams. I can't believe that they will be 5 and starting kindergarten this fall. Barrett was born in December and I forgot how much fun it is to have a baby to hold! This year they put me in the Relief Society presidency - so I am attending Relief Society for the first time in our marriage. It was weird at first to not be in primary - but I am enjoying it.

Cayden is the older of the twins by 20 seconds (he is very proud of that). He loves anything that Dad loves and would dress just like Devon everyday if he could. He attends preschool and really likes writing. He loves to write notes to people and is getting pretty good at spelling. He is definitely a boy - he loves swords, pirates, wearing his Ohio State clothes - especially his Teddy Ginn jersey. We are trying to teach him that he can still be nice to people wearing Michigan clothes!

Hadley is our princess. She loves everything girly! She is in ballet and tap class and loves the sound of her tap shoes! For Christmas she got a pedicure spa kit - and always wants to paint her toes and anyone else's that will let her. She likes to boss Cayden around - and most of the time he lets her. She also attends preschool and comes home everyday with a new plan for a get together or party with the other girls in her class. She knows the name of every person in our ward, and tries to learn the names of every person she encounters.

Barrett is our newest addition! He is about 2 months old- and already getting so big. He is a great baby - maybe it just seems that way because there is only one this time - but I think he really is great! He brings a whole new level of fun to our family.

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