Saturday, February 9, 2008

..and to the republic...

To understand this little story you have to know that we live in Willard - but the twins go to preschool in the town next to us - Republic...
I was driving them to school and they were telling me what they do during circle time. They do the calendar and read a story and say the Pledge. I didn't know that they had memorized the pledge - so I had them say it for me while we were driving (we have a 20 minute drive to school). I told them how great it was that they knew the whole thing because they would probably say it in kindergarten too. And then Cayden says...
"Mom, next year when we're in kindergarten, we'll have to say Willard instead of Republic."
I was totally cracking up! His brain is always going a million miles a minute -

1 friends wanted to say...:

On Our List said...

That was hilarious!!!!