Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It is swimming time again...

It is finally warm and sunny and the pool is open! The twins were so happy to be back at Grammy and Granddad's pool! We are so lucky that they let us swim whenever we want! - Thanks!

Here are a couple videos of the twins at the pool.

Barrett tried out the water in his new float - he wasn't too sure about all of it - but I think the water was still a little cold for him. He fell right to sleep after getting out of the water!

2 friends wanted to say...:

On Our List said...

I am SO jealous you guys have a pool that is so close and convenient. And is that you holding Barrett in the picture??? Because if it is...don't take this wrong you look HOT and I hate you for looking so good...since your baby is what...6 months old. Eat some cake. Just kidding. What fun and your kids are so cute. And if that is you in the picture, you look amazing. :)


Yeah for swimming weather!
Brooke you are a hottie, what is your secret of being so tiny when you still have a little one? That picture of Barrett asleep is adorable.