Thursday, June 5, 2008

Nauvoo - Day 2...

Today was such a fun day! Grammy and Granddad were so nice - they watched all the grandkids this morning so that we could go to the temple. I haven't been to Nauvoo since they dedicated the temple - so I was really excited to get to go inside! It was so nice to be in the temple with all of our brothers and sisters. The temple is so beautiful - it was such a great way to start the day.

After the temple - we took everybody and went on a wagon ride through Nauvoo - my camera battery died during the ride so I didn't get very many pictures.

In the afternoon we went to the outdoor "Pioneer Pastimes" area. They had clothes, games, and other fun things for the kids to play with. We had a blast - all the kids dressed up in Pioneer clothes and played! They had cute log cabins for the kids to play in that had all kinds of fun things!

We stopped by the Nauvoo Bakery - the kids were excited to try a cookie!

We also went to the Family Living Center - which was really cool - It was in an air-conditioned building - so it was pretty great all by itself. They had so many things to do - we learned how the pioneers made bread, weaved rugs, and made rope. They had lots of other things that we didn't have time to do - maybe tomorrow we can go back.

We went to the "High Hopes and Riverboats" show next! It was a funny show! Right as the show was starting we were surprised to see Devon's cousin Vincent walk in with a group of kids on a church history tour - Megan and Tyson were there with the group - so it was really fun to see them! The show is at the Visitor's center - which has all the statues of women in the back garden. I love seeing those statues - I can remember going with my mom to see all of those statues and they have a special place in my heart. The kids all had fun running around - after sitting quiet for an hour during the show!

We had such a fun day - I am sad that we only have tomorrow left - but it will be fun to do more tomorrow!

7 friends wanted to say...:

Chantz H. Davis said...

Thanks for the update Brooke. It is way before 6:00 AM and I am checking your blog - i told you I would! Looks like you are having a ball and once again I am jealous! Kiss all the kids for me! Tell the Crockett's a special hello from aunt Lena!!!

On Our List said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast. I have tried convincing Doug and his family to do a trip to Nauvoo but they said not until the kids are teenagers because Nauvoo is not for kids. I am now going to show all of them kids can have fun in Nauvoo. Thanks! I knew I wasn't crazy for suggesting it. :)

becca said...

What a fantastic vacation! I have always wanted to go to Nauvoo and it looks like it is a great place to take the kids! I am glad you are having such a great time!

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

Hey! We did a Smith family reunion there a few months ago and we have a picture with the same old man helping with the rope! How funny! Looks like fun!

Sara said...
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Unknown said...

I always think of church history as being kinda boring and museumy. It looks like even the kids enjoyed themselves in Nauvoo. Maybe I'll give it a chance one of these days. Thanks for posting all the fun pics!


Chantz H. Davis said...

You have been there way longer than "day 2" and I haven't been updated! Get on the stick Brooke:)