I think that I love Christmas Eve as much as Christmas morning. I love watching the excitement build for the twins. This year was super fun! My sister, Maren, and her family came and spent the week with us from San Antonio. I felt really bad for them...they left the 80 degree weather of Texas to the 7 degree weather of Willard! It didn't get that much warmer the rest of the week...but they still acted like they had fun hanging out with us!
We had dinner and hung out at Devon's mom and dad's house. Granddad read the Christmas story and the kids interacted with the story. They paid their "taxes", found shepherd crooks (candy canes) and searched for a star...
Grammy always gets the cousins matching Christmas pj's... and this year she had them hanging up so cute!
Here they are lined up in front of their new pj's!
When we got home...Hadley and Cayden sprinkled the grass with reindeer food before bed...
Here is the tree before we went to sleep...it is my favorite part of Christmas eve...having the tree lights on and watching "A Christmas Carol" (the one with George C. Scott only) and "It's a Wonderful Life"... aren't we cute in our matching pj's?!?!
1 friends wanted to say...:
Let's get honest, you're always cute! Love the jammy pictures!
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