Now...for the other Jarvis boy, Devon...he is my hero! Last night, I was washing a load of laundry...all of the sudden there was a loud noise - and the washer stopped spinning! It is important to know that it is an old washer...passed on lovingly to us by Devon's aunt and uncle...but still - I really rely on my washing machine. I am not a girl that responds well to things breaking or not working when I need them to! So - I was a little stressed - and did not really want to think about buying a new washer the week before Christmas...
Next thing I know...Devon has the washer taken apart and has found the broken part. He found online how to take the motor off and replace the part! Today, he went and got the part (for a total of $9)- and right now as I am typing washer is rerunning the unfinished clothes from last night! It even runs better than it did before! I feel like I fell in love with him all over again as I watched him fix a very important and favorite appliance in my house!
8 friends wanted to say...:
Wow!!! You are so lucky...I never let Doug fix anything because everytime he does my kids learn a new colorful word.
Way to go Cayden on getting the teamwork award.
Also I love all the new pictures of your kids. They are gorgerous.
Huge props to Devon for fixing that machine. Seriously. I'm sure we'd be out a couple hundred if that happened over here, though I guess I should be nicer to John. He can be pretty handy. But that is super handy to take apart the machine if you ask me.
That picture of Barrett - well all of them - are SO cute!! Little boys can be just as darling as little girls (in a masculine way).
Sure hope you are enjoying your holidays. Good to see your updates. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Nice, Dev! So I am going through some serious Jarvis family withdrawl... we miss you guys a ton and wish we could see you more often... But thank goodness for the world of BLOG! I love being able to see pictures of you guys all the time... it makes me feel a little bit closer! Love you guys, and hopefully we will talk to you soon!
You finally convinced Mom that I am not the only "Doctor" in the family! Now can you convince her that I am not the only one that can fix things. The four page honey-do list every time I visit can get a little overwhelming! Love you guys!!!
I agree...Washing machines are EXTREMELY important! Good for Devon for fixing it on his own!
Your pictures are all beautiful!!
Way to go Devon!!
Devon, you are so awesome!
Hey woman, if you have time to change your background, you have time to update! JK Love ya!
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